You are on the road to high traffic!

This site is still in development. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us!

After building a web site, what does everyone want? Traffic! It doesn't matter if you are trying to sell something, or just made a free site. You want people to use it. That is where we come in. Free advertizing can be very powerful if used correctly. Not only do we offer a "Website spotlight"; we also provide links to many different free websites. We also plan to help you with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) soon. To begin getting traffic, we suggest that you submit your website in the form below. This will place your website in our "Spotlight".

Terms of Service:

1. You may not submit your site multiple times in a row. Wait for another site to be submitted before you submit again.

2. We do not promise any traffic from either our services nor those we suggest.

3. Your submitted site(s) must be fit for all ages. No adult content, no swear words

4. Visit at least two other websites in the spotlight before posting your own.

5. The site you submit must be either your own website, or a referral link.

6. We reserve the right to ban any website we believe is involved in fraud.  You may appeal such a ban, but our judgement is final.

7. You may not use any script in your ad. Use the form only as intended.

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