Here, you can buy a banner or text ad listing in a special location.

Any banner ad listing can be replaced (for no price chence) with a text ad. The text ad will have one large font line, followed by one regular. Both lines must be no longer that the purchased banner ad length.



  • All listings are "As Is" without any guarantee, either expressed or implied.
  • All ads must be considered by the site administrator as family-friendy, non-deceptive, and non-popup producing.
  • Any ad listing which is denied will be, if possible (without exceptional effort), refunded through PayPal.

728x90 Banner on home page

$ 0.15 USD

You can list your 728x90 banner ad on the home page, below the "spotlight" for 30 days!


468x60 Banner on home page

$ 0.11 USD

You can list your 468x60 banner ad on the home page, below the "spotlight" for 30 days!

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