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Welcome to FreeTrafficHub's free banner directory! Anyone can list a banner here. It can belong to your own site or service, or to another site or service which you recommend. Please note, All banners will be checked prior to posting. If you repetedly break the rules, you banners will be deleted, and your e-mail address will be blacklisted.

If you agree to follow our rules for submition, please click here to submit your banner.

The rules are as follows:
1. No "adult" content. While some services may not be useful in any way to children, make sure everything is appropriate for them.

2. No flooding. Only one banner per service. If you submit a banner for a service which has already been listed by another user, your banner may or may not be listed as well.

3.Understand that your banner(s) may be denied entry for any reason whatsoever, as decided by a moderator.

4. No popups, mouse-over actions, auto-redirects, or other unusual actions/scripts.

5. Never advertize one thing and link to another.

6. Do not submit paying ad service scrpts, like Adhitz. These are for your site, not ours.

Make a Free Website with Yola.